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Showing posts from October, 2020

Take 4: Passover and the Golden Calf

  Do you ever have a conversation then immediately think, "I wish I would've said that?" I feel that way almost every Sunday. This blog is a place where I share what wasn't said in the sermon. Last week for the Passover story, I asked one of my Jewish friends what she thought happened to the Israelites who didn't put the blood of the lamb on their doorframes. I was surprised when she said she believed God passed over them anyway--but, because they didn't have the faith to take that first step, they didn't have the faith to walk through the Red Sea. This week, we have the story of the golden calf in Genesis 32. What interests me is not what people do but why they do what they do. So, why did the people make a golden calf and worship it? Let's remember, these Israelites are a people who have been slaves for their entire lives. Then they have an epic experience of God delivering them from slavery and oppression. God leads them to the desert and provides ...