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Take 4: Passover and the Golden Calf


Do you ever have a conversation then immediately think, "I wish I would've said that?" I feel that way almost every Sunday. This blog is a place where I share what wasn't said in the sermon.

Last week for the Passover story, I asked one of my Jewish friends what she thought happened to the Israelites who didn't put the blood of the lamb on their doorframes. I was surprised when she said she believed God passed over them anyway--but, because they didn't have the faith to take that first step, they didn't have the faith to walk through the Red Sea.

This week, we have the story of the golden calf in Genesis 32. What interests me is not what people do but why they do what they do. So, why did the people make a golden calf and worship it?

Let's remember, these Israelites are a people who have been slaves for their entire lives. Then they have an epic experience of God delivering them from slavery and oppression. God leads them to the desert and provides manna for them daily. Now, Moses is gone. He's been their representative for God. They probably feel helpless and confused about what to do now that God is NOT dramatically present and there's only silence.

Where is Moses? Moses is up on the mountain receiving instructions for the tabernacle and for proper worship. While at the bottom of the mountain, the people are engaging in improper worship. Oh, the irony.

But this story is more complex than, "There was a golden calf and that was bad."

Put yourself in the Israelites' place. What do you do when your leader is gone? When he's been gone for 40 days? You take matters into your own hands. Because there's an anxiety to waiting. And the people want something concrete.

To get real Bible nerdy on you: The gold for the tabernacle comes from voluntary offerings. So when Aaron asks for gold jewelry, it's like he's doing the same thing, but with a misguided twist.

Also, 1 Kings 12 is going to reflect on this story. Years into the future, after Israel has divided into two kingdoms, Jeroboam--the king of the north--makes two golden calves and places them at Dan and Bethel. 

So if these two stories are connected, they may be asking the same question: Are they worshiping a false god or worshiping God falsely?

Another topic that stands out in Genesis 32 is God's anger. We love hearing about God's love and grace and forgiveness, but here we see there's a dangerous side to God. God doesn't want people to worship falsely or to violate his promises. Maybe this story is meant to make us uncomfortable. Or maybe it's warning us that if we "tame" God then we're worshiping a false god.

And what about God repenting? The word for repenting can also mean "changed course of action." That means the deeper question is--Is God changeable?

I think it's important that our ideas about God come from the Bible, not from English poetry, not from Greek philosophy.

Looking at the story of Scripture, we see God is establishing a relationship. Relationships have a back-and-forth, give-and-take nature to them. To engage with God in meaningful ways seems impossible if God will never change his mind or never be moved.

But when we look at what is really happening in the text, we see God has said he will keep his covenant promise. God sticks with his original plan. God's promises are bigger than our failures.


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