As we read the Bible, we'll encounter stories and even phrases that refer back to earlier stories. The fancy literary term for this is intertextuality. We have some examples of that in this story of Jesus appearing to two disciples on the Emmaus Road in Luke 24:13-35. The Meal The first one we'll talk about is the meal. Jesus sits down to share a meal with this couple. Do you remember the first meal in the Bible? It was in Genesis 3 when Eve took some fruit and gave it to Adam. Then there's an important line, ". . . the eyes of both of them were opened . . ." Did you notice what happens after Jesus breaks bread in this story? ". . . their eyes were opened . . ." Now, it's not enough to see these two stories as connected. We have to think about what it means? After that first meal, we realize death enters the world. At this meal, we realize death has been defeated. Jesus has overcome death and new life is available. Hospitality and a Divine Messe...
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