As we read Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43, it’s easy to imagine a thistle or dandelion as the weed that’s sown in with the weeds. The old KJV uses the word “tare.” The Greek is zizania. It’s a word for a weed that looks like wheat in the early stages. This weed wraps itself around the wheat stalk, essentially using the wheat stalk as a stability pile to pull itself up. So if you try to pull out the weed, you pull up the wheat as well. Based off this parable, a botanist conducted a study and tried to determine exactly which weed Jesus was talking about here. In his study he found some 19th century research where someone had taken the weed darnel and supervised experiments to find out how much of it was safe to eat. The experiments included feeding darnel to horses and smaller animals in varying amounts. If an animal eats enough darnel, it will start to hallucinate. If it eats more, it will go into a comma. If a large amount is eaten, it is deadly. So this means the enemy who c...
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